Who are we?
Settlement Success Intermediaries
For over 30 years, through both good and bad economic times, the seasoned professionals at Settlement Success Intermediaries (SSI) have been providing secure, tax free investment guidance to injured parties
We never lose sight of the fact that our only real client is the claimant who in the end will be reaching out for our help. Our goal at SSI is to instill in the claimant, awareness and understanding of how a well thought out secure benefits package written through a structured settlement annuity can provide both worry and tax free payment streams as part of their settlement package.
The Benefits
When you accept a structured settlement, you’re adding confidence and certainty to your financial future. Each year, thousands of Americans turn to structured settlements because no other option has so many unique advantages.
long-term benefits of your structured annuity
Your right to these benefits stems from a 1983 federal law confirming that all financial compensation received on account of a physical injury is exempt from taxation. Since then, more than half a million people have chosen a structured settlement to guarantee steady future income. No wonder many disability rights activists call structured settlements the smart choice for settling a case.